Musical Reviews

I have seen a few plays and musical's in my time so I thought why not review the ones I have seen. I am not here to brag but I have been incredibly lucky to have seen the shows I have. I have seen Hamilton, War Horse, Crazy For You, Les Miserables, Wicked, The Band and The Lion King

Hamilton is hands down the best musical I have ever seen. I am a huge fan of Lin Manuel Miranda and this is his best work to date in my opinion. The west end cast of Hamilton is amazing, I know that Hamilton is a hot ticket right now but if you get the chance to go and see it, GO you won't regret it. I would happily see this musical again as many times as my bank account would allow. The music and dance within this show is outstanding, the way in which the music told the story and the dance gave the show a great flow. I felt like I was there in America during the revolution, all of the cast had me captivated from start to finish. I can happily say that Hamilton lives up to and exceeds the hype.

Les Mis was again another outstanding show. I honestly felt like I wanted to join them on stage and be part of the revolution. The current west end cast is amazing and again go and see this show you will not be disappointed. My all-time favourite male musical solo is Empty Chairs at Empty Tables and the west end cast version did not disappoint. I have to say that all three male solos had me in tears, as all three male solo are some of the best solos out of any musical ever in my opinion. After seeing his show I could understand why this show is classic.

War Horse is the first and only play I have seen. I went to see the UK tour version of this play, I have already read the book but I have not seen the film. I found this a very intense and gripping piece of theatre. I found this show very emotional, I would recommend that you go and see this show but only if you're prepared to cry. the way the actors controlled the horse was amazing, they did it in such a way that made the horse seem realistic. The acting was outstanding and it made a refreshing change for musicals I was used to seeing.

Wicked is one of the most impressive pieces of theatre I have seen. It really made me rethink the original Wizard Of Oz film. The film makes you think of the villain as just a villain doing bad and evil things but this musical gave an emotional side to a villains  story talking about her past life. The music was outstanding and the west end cast of July 2017 was amazing. I was not sure what to expect when I first started to watch this musical but I would recommend that everyone goes and sees this show as it is a great spin on a classic movie.

Crazy For You was a musical that I was offered tickets for and not one I would have thought to go and see. I saw the opening night of the UK tour. I was pleasantly surprised by this show, the music was amazing and had an amazing country twist. It was nice to hear country style music as espoused to traditional razzle-dazzle musical songs. The cast was outstanding, the level of dancing in this show was incredible, the tap dancing was the highlight of the show for me. It did not seem like a musical I would like but I would recommend that everyone goes and sees this show whilst it's on tour as this cast is outstanding.

The Lion King will always hold a special place in my heart as it is my all-time favourite Disney film and it was the first musical that got me obsessed with musical theatre. It was a musical retelling of a classic Disney film. Watching this musical made me realise why it is a jewel within Disney's crown. the cast was amazing and the level of emotion they carried within their performance was inspiring. I did cry during this show as it made me realise how amazing a Disney film can be when done right. the music was amazing and it had just the right amount of humour throughout. I would recommend this musical to everyone. This would be a great first musical for children.

The Band is the most recent musical I have seen. This musical is based on the songs of Take That. I personally wanted to see this musical because I am a huge Take That fan and I thought well it does not matter about the story itself I will just be singing along. I was completely wrong the story and acting within this show was on a different level to any other musical I have seen. Even if you are not a Take That fan you will still love this show. the level of emotion within this show had me gripped from the start, it made me realise how lucky I am to have such amazingly supportive friends. The cast was outstanding. This musical is amazing and I would recommend that everyone goes and sees this show.


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