D23 Exclusive Tsum Tsum Merch
D23 was a good place to be if you were a Tsum Tsum collector as they had a lot of Tsum Tsum merchandise, so I thought I would talk about the Tsum Tsum merch in this post. In this post we will be looking at the 4 plush Tsum Tsum sets and the limited edition metallic Tsum Tsum vinyl. All of the pictures used in this post were found online, as using online pictures is the only way to make this post work as I did not attend D23 EXPO.
First we are going to look at the exclusive Tsum Tsum plushes. The exclusive sets were Mary Poppins, Pixar Shorts, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers and Stars Wars Storm Troppers.
Mary Poppins
I personally was excited and annoyed that they decided to do a Mary Poppins box set. I was excited as Mary Poppins is one of my all time favourite Disney movies, but I was also annoyed that it was exclusive to the D23 EXPO. Hopefully Disney will release some Mary Poppins Tsum Tsums when the new film comes out next year.
This set includes Carousel Horse, Bert, Penguin and Mary Poppins. Here are some pictures of the Mary Poppins Tsums.

Pixar Shorts
This is the same reason as the Mary Poppins Tsums Tsums I was excited that Disney decided to release Tsum Tsums based off of the Pixar Shorts but I was annoyed that they were exclusive to D23 EXPO.
Also I am 50/50 on their choices of Tsums but I am assuming the they choose the shorts that were easy to make into Tsum Tsum form and shorts that were the most popular. If I were to make a Tsum Tsum box set based off of Pixar shorts I would have Tsums Tsums from For The Birds, Partly Cloudy, Lava and Presto.
The actual set includes Tsums from For The Birds, Presto, Boundin and Piper, so 2 out of my 4 favourite Pixar Shorts were made into Tsum Tsum form which I am pleased with also the set included my favourite short For The Birds so I cannot complain. Here are some pictures of the Tsum Tsum set.
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
I was not overly excited about this set, but I am excited to see if Disney release any more underrated Disney classics or if this is the only one. I liked the hot air balloon that this set came in is it a refreshing change from your standard box.
This set includes Chip, Dale, Monterey Jack, Gadget and Zipper. In this set all of them are mini except from Zipper who is a mirco Tsum Tsum. Here are some pictures of the set.
Star Wars Stormtroppers
I am not a huge fan of Star Wars so this set did not excite me at all as I do not collect Stars Wars Tsums Tsums but I have to say it is a nice looking box set and I like the idea behind it.
For example you could do a box set similar to this based around Mickey Mouse. This set could include normal Mickey, Steamboat Mickey, Sorcerer Mickey, Disney Parks Mickey, Christmas Carol Mickey, The new animated shorts Mickey.
This is Star Wars Stromtroppers and each Stromtropper is different as they are each different Stromtroppers from each of the different Satr Wars films. I personally really like this idea and think it would be a good way of doing Tsum Tsum box sets. Here are some pictures of the set.
First we are going to look at the exclusive Tsum Tsum plushes. The exclusive sets were Mary Poppins, Pixar Shorts, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers and Stars Wars Storm Troppers.
Mary Poppins
I personally was excited and annoyed that they decided to do a Mary Poppins box set. I was excited as Mary Poppins is one of my all time favourite Disney movies, but I was also annoyed that it was exclusive to the D23 EXPO. Hopefully Disney will release some Mary Poppins Tsum Tsums when the new film comes out next year.
This set includes Carousel Horse, Bert, Penguin and Mary Poppins. Here are some pictures of the Mary Poppins Tsums.

This is the same reason as the Mary Poppins Tsums Tsums I was excited that Disney decided to release Tsum Tsums based off of the Pixar Shorts but I was annoyed that they were exclusive to D23 EXPO.
Also I am 50/50 on their choices of Tsums but I am assuming the they choose the shorts that were easy to make into Tsum Tsum form and shorts that were the most popular. If I were to make a Tsum Tsum box set based off of Pixar shorts I would have Tsums Tsums from For The Birds, Partly Cloudy, Lava and Presto.
The actual set includes Tsums from For The Birds, Presto, Boundin and Piper, so 2 out of my 4 favourite Pixar Shorts were made into Tsum Tsum form which I am pleased with also the set included my favourite short For The Birds so I cannot complain. Here are some pictures of the Tsum Tsum set.
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
I was not overly excited about this set, but I am excited to see if Disney release any more underrated Disney classics or if this is the only one. I liked the hot air balloon that this set came in is it a refreshing change from your standard box.
This set includes Chip, Dale, Monterey Jack, Gadget and Zipper. In this set all of them are mini except from Zipper who is a mirco Tsum Tsum. Here are some pictures of the set.
Star Wars Stormtroppers
I am not a huge fan of Star Wars so this set did not excite me at all as I do not collect Stars Wars Tsums Tsums but I have to say it is a nice looking box set and I like the idea behind it.
For example you could do a box set similar to this based around Mickey Mouse. This set could include normal Mickey, Steamboat Mickey, Sorcerer Mickey, Disney Parks Mickey, Christmas Carol Mickey, The new animated shorts Mickey.
This is Star Wars Stromtroppers and each Stromtropper is different as they are each different Stromtroppers from each of the different Satr Wars films. I personally really like this idea and think it would be a good way of doing Tsum Tsum box sets. Here are some pictures of the set.
D23 Exclusive Tsum Tsum Vinyl
There was an exclusive vinyl released for the D23 EXPO and it was a metallic Buzz Lightyear. I personally think this is not the most exciting vinyl in the world, if it was in a store near me I would buy it as it would look cool within your collection but I would not go to lengths to buy this vinyl as I do not see it as anything special. Here are some pictures of the vinyl.
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