A Bugs Life Film Review

Director- John Lassiter
Synopsis-A large colony of ants are given the job of collecting food for a group of grasshoppers, but an ant named Flik wants the ant's lives to change for the better but in the process of doing so, he accidentally knocks over the pile of food the ants had prepared for the grasshoppers. The grasshopper's leader is not pleased and wants the ants to prepare double what he originally asked for. So Filk decides to find other stronger bugs to protect his colony from the grasshoppers. He finds bugs who claim they are fighters but really they are just performers in the circus. Filk has one chance to prove he is a hero before the grasshoppers take over.
Review- I thoroughly enjoyed this film and thought it was full of action but still true to all Pixar films. I would 100% watch this film again as I really liked the story line and I also thought the characters were funny and some what believable. My favourite character in this film was Heimlich the caterpillar.
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