Mary Poppins Returns Film Review

Cast- Emily Blunt, Lin Manuel Miranda, Meryl Streep and Colin Firth

Director- Rob Marshall

Synopsis- Micheal Banks is a teller in the bank with three kids. During this time he finds out that his house is going to be repossessed in a few days unless he is able to pay back a loan. He has to find the missing shares certificate that shows that his father has shares in the bank that were left in Michael's name. All hope has gone and to their surprise, Mary Poppins turns up to take the Banks on a magical fun-filled adventure.

Review-  Best film I have seen this year. I was unsure about this sequel as I love the original and did not want it to be ruined by a sequel but they proved me wrong. This film was similar in some ways to the original but different enough for me to love it. The music is outstanding and I am obsessed with the soundtrack. I was in happy tears throughout this film. There is a song towards the end that plays a small part of the Let's Go Fly a Kite tune OMG I just about broke down. Everything about this film I loved it was everything I wanted and more. Also, Dick Van Dyke, the original Burt made a cameo which was nice to see. I wanted to stay and watch it again it was that good. If you do not go and see this film then there is something wrong with you.


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