La La Land (2017) Review

Cast- Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, John Legend and Rosemarie DeWhitt

Director- Damien Chazelle

Synopsis- Mia is an aspiring actress working in a coffee shop serving drinks to movie stars. Sebastian is a jazz musician who plays piano to the public at party's, concerts and restaurants. As the two of them  become more and more successful in their careers they become faced with lots of difficult decisions that start to break apart their love and make their relationship turn more fragile. Their dreams start to take over which has a drastic affect on their relationship.


I was thought that the start of this film was great and the song was amazing and it was setting up to be a great film.

As the film progressed and we got to know the two main characters I started to lose some interest as it was jumping from one place to another which made it quite confusing. The songs in this part of the film were outstanding.

Once the film got further and we got to see more of the couple I started to enjoy it a little bit more and the middle section of the film with the band and the show I enjoyed as it was like every other film when it goes downhill to come back up again.

I disliked the ending I thought that they tried to drag on the ending to much which did not grab my fancy at all. They way they set out the ending was odd and made you think that all of the film was just Mia's dream. Very odd.

Do not waste your cash to watch this film just listen to the soundtrack instead as the music in this film is outstanding,


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