Diary Entry 1

I thought I would type up my diary entry's from my Orlando trip last summer.

Day 1 
Today was my first day in Orlando and I can already say that it is much better than cold wet England. The weather was perfect and I spent my first morning reading a book by the pool, does life get any better? After a morning of relaxation which was exactly what I needed after the stressful few months i'd had. We went to Walmart, the USA's Asda, I am not a huge fan of Asda so I was no look forward to this shopping trip. This place was massive full of food that I never thought I needed but I did. On a side note I might have bought to much food.

The second part of my day was spent in Universal Studios, now I am a Disney girl at heart but I love me some Minions so I was all about the Minion life. I was determined to A become a Minion and B try and somewhat get rid of my fear of rollercoasters. We got a return time for he Minion ride as I use my wheelchair. So ride number 1 was the mummy, I hated this ride with every bone in my body, I have been on coasters like this before but not one that went bloody backwards. This was a ride the whole family disliked maybe not a much as me but they still disliked it. I thought that if the mummy was like it was then I was set for a week of pure hell. Ride 2 men in black alien attack, to start off this ride was crap but I won with a grand total of 93,400 points go me. Then it was time for the Despicable me ride I was so looking forward to this ride. The ride was great, one of the best rides I have ever been on. I bought a yellow Minion T-shirt and it is amazing and I also got my bestie a minion keyring as that was one of the many things she wanted. We went ti diagon alley it looked impressive but to many people for my liking, we also went on the gringotts rides no as bad as the mummy.We then watched the parade it was crap if I am completely honest but I was told i am a Minion. My life is completed now all I had to do was meet Olaf and do something Lion King then I have finished. We ate food in Antojitos and it was some of the best Mexican food I have ever had ever.


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