1. Visit Disneyland California I love everything Disney parks and this park is the original park and Walt was around when this park was built and I am a huge Pixar fan and I would love to visit Pixar Pier. 2. Visit Tokyo Disney Resort This is on the list mainly because of the merchandise but also I really want to ride the Monsters INC ride and go seek and poohs honey hunt. Also, have you seen pictures of Disney Sea? 3. Visit the Pixar Studio Lot I know this is a long shot as it is not an easy place to see and visit but what Pixar fan does not want to visit the studio lot. 4. Visit Shanghai Disney Resort I lived in Shanghai for 3 years and left the year before it opened which was annoying but it gives me an excuse to go back. Also, their Bullseye ride in toy story land looks amazing. 5. Go To Germany I love German food and its one part of Europe I have never been to so I love to go and eat all of the bratwurst and pretzels. 6. Go To Italy I love Itali...