Animal Crossing Villager Hunting Update 3

 More exciting news Mott has FINALLY left my island it took me ages and several attempts to get him to leave. I also tried varying my methods this time to see what differences it would make to the speed or time frame it would take a villager to leave. This took me 21 in game days to get Mott to leave. I started off by talking to all of the villagers I didn't want to leave my island and then I time travelled forward 1 day and carried out the same process. I then time travelled forward 15 days on from the original date and talked to all of the villagers I didn't want to leave however I encountered some issues firstly Mott would not stay within the fenced off areas surrounding his house and he did not want to leave so I time travelled forward 1 day and still had the same issues. I then did my research and saw a method where you carry out the same steps but whilst also talking to the villagers you want to keep go and talk to Isabelle in resident services and click discuss a resident and report the resident you want to leave I reported about the way Mott speaks to me however I assume that the dress option works also. It took 6 in game days to get Mott to leave using the slightly altered method. I had a total of 24 tickets to do this villager hunt with. 

1. Alli (Snooty, Alligator)- I do like this villager however she is only a villager I would take if I was running low on nook mile tickets. I would also take Sly, Drago and Boots in this scenario. If I came across her again I might be tempted to take her. 

2. Antonio (Jock, Anteater)- I do like this villager and he is one of my favourite anteater villagers however I would only take him if I was running low on nook mile tickets I would also take Olaf, Annabelle, Pango and Annalisa in this scenario. 

3. Apollo (Cranky, Eagle)- I often see Apollo as one of the poster villagers for Animal Crossing. I am not a fan of this villager and is one I would not take if I was low on nook mile tickets. The only eagle villagers I would take if I was low on nook mile tickets are Avery, Amelia, Celia, Frank and Pierce.

4. Bangle (Peppy, Tiger)- I do like this villager and she is my favourite tiger villager however I decided to pass on her as I would have only taken her if I was low on tickets. I would also take Bianca and Claudia in this scenario. 

5. Becky (Snooty, Chicken)- I am not a fan of this villager so I decided to pass on her. The only chicken villagers I like are Plucky, Egbert, Ava, Benedict and Broffina. 

6. Bud (Jock, Lion)- He is on my list of villagers I would take if I was low on nook mile tickets however I just got rid of a jock lion the last thing I wanted was another one. 

7. Cranston (Lazy, Ostrich)- He is on my list of villagers I would take if I was low on nook mile tickets he is on this list alongside another ostrich villager Gladys. I would have preferred Julia or Flora so I decided to pass on him and he came early on in the hunt so it made sense. 

8. Leonardo (Jock, Tiger)- I know that I now have no jock villagers on my island and like cranky villagers they will push more jocks my way. Well I wish they would stop, I decided to pass on this villager if you are interested.

9. Leopold (Smug, Lion)- I am not a fan of lion villagers if you weren't aware so I decided to pass on this villager 

10. Paolo (Lazy, Elephant)- I am not a fan of this villager mostly because of his eyebrows so I decided to pass on him. 

11. Pashmina (Sisterly, Goat)- I do like this villager however I wasn't hunting for a sisterly villager so I decided to pass on her.

12. Plucky (Sisterly, Chicken)- I do like this villager and I was tempted to take her as she was encountered towards the end of my hunt but as I said above I was not hunting for a sisterly villager. 

13. Yuka (Snooty, Koala)- I am not a fan of this villager so I decided to pass on her. The only koala villagers I was take if I was low on tickets are Lyman, Sydney and Melba. Alice however is on my dream list and I would take her if I encountered her on my next hunt 

14. Zell (Smug, Deer)- I am really starting to like smug villagers and if I was low on tickets I would have taken him however this time I decided to pass on him. 

15. Marina (Normal, Octopus) - I encountered her twice on this hunt the first time I passed on her to see if I would get anyone else, although she is on my dream list so I was tempted to take her. I then saw her with my 8th remaining ticket and I thought if she has popped up twice then I must take her so welcome Marina. 



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