Animal Crossing Villager Hunting Update

 I have news Cobb has left my island he was a Jock Pig now I had around 38 nook miles tickets to do this hunt in I have a list of villagers I want and I also know villagers I would take if I needed to. Firstly I will explain how I got rid of Cobb. I went to a time where I knew Cobb was inside his house this allowed me to fence his house so he could not leave this was between 1-2 pm. I then time travelled forward 1 day and talked to all of the villagers I want to keep or ones I do not have pictures of yet, I was lucky in the sense that all of my villagers were either inside their house or near the plaza area this made finding and talking to them much easier. I knew that Cobb would be inside on this day as I did not change the time only the date was changed. I then saved and exited the game, this then allowed me to change the date 15 days on from the day I attempted this, (do not count 15 days one from the 1 day time travel), I then carried out the same process as before by talking to all of the villagers I wanted to keep or didn't have pictures for this took longer as some were in the museum or others parts of my island. I then saved and exited the game again and time travelled forward 1 day however I also changed the time, I went for between 4-5 pm however as long as it is a time frame where the villager you want to leave would normally be outside. I happened to find Cobb outside in his fenced off area with a speech bubble above his head. I went to talk to him and he wanted to leave so I let him leave. I then saved and quit again and time travelled forward a day and Isabelle let the island know Cobb was leaving and to say goodbye after going into his house to say goodbye I saved and quit the game and time travelled forward 1 day. You have to hunt for your next villager within 24 hours of the plot being empty, I did not have this issue as I was prepared to save, exit and change the time to early morning hours to allow for time if I needed it. If you do not hunt within 24hrs then the plot will be auto filled. 

Here is a list of villagers I saw on my hunt, this will not be in order just in alphabetical order. 

1. Chow (Cranky, Bear)- he is on my list of villagers I could make a case for and he did come towards the end of my hunt however I would have preferred Chester the Panda cub instead so I passed on Chow. 

2. Ken (Smug, Chicken)- I passed on him straight away as he is not a villager I want or one I could make a case for. The only chicken villagers I could make a case for are Plucky, Broffina, Ava or Egbert, he was an easy pass. 

3. Patty (Peppy, Cow)- I passed on her however I would take her if I was close the running out of tickets on a future hunt. The only cow villager I would take is Norma. 

4. Naomi (Snooty, Cow)- I saw her twice on my hunt and passed on her twice however if I see her on a future hunt and I'm running out of tickets then I will take her 

4. Marcel (Lazy, Dog)- I would have only taken Marcel if I was close to running out of tickets as he is not a villager I want or could make a case for. The only dog villagers I could make a case for are Cherry, Bea, Walker, Cookie or Shep, however I would of happily taken Portia. 

5. Boone (Jock, Gorilla)- I would have only taken him if I was nearly out of tickets however I could make a case for Boone as he is one of two Gorilla villagers I would have on my on my island along with Violet. 

6. Mathilda (Snooty, Kangaroo)- I do not like the Kangaroo villagers the only kangaroo I would take is Walt purely based on the name alone, so she was a hard pass for me. 

7. Sylvia (Sisterly, Kangaroo)- I saw her twice on my hunt and passed on her both times like I said above not a fan of the kangaroo villagers 

8. Alice (Normal, Koala)- She is on my list of dream villagers and I found it hard to pass her up however I was glad I did if you see the last villager on this list. She is my favourite Koala and when we hunt again and run low on tickets I would take her. 

9. Shari (Sisterly, Monkey)- I am not a fan of the Monkey villagers so I passed on her. The only Monkey villager I would take if I was close to running out of tickets is Deli. 

10. Zucker (Lazy, Octopus)- He is on my dream list and like Alice it was hard to pass up on him but I'm glad I did (see the last villager on the list). Again like Alice when we hunt again and run low on tickets I would take him as he is my favourite Octopus villager. 

11. Doc (Lazy, Rabbit)- I am not a fan of this villager so I passed on him. The only Rabbit villagers I would take if I'm  nearly out of tickets are, Chrissy, Coco or Cole. 

12. Tank (Jock, Rhino)- I am not a fan of this villager so I passed on him. Merengue is on my dream list and I could have made a case for Hornsby but I did not want another jock villager on my island so I passed on Tank. 

13. Tasha (Snooty, Squirrel)- I saw her twice on my hunt and I passed on her twice, the only squirrel villagers I could make and case for are Caroline and Mint however I would take Blaire as she is on my dream list 

14. Raymond (Smug, Cat)- I had 11 tickets remaining and I was preparing to take a villager I could make a case for, however it was a sister fruit island and there was Raymond. He is not on my dream list however I could not say no he is one of the rarest and popular villagers on ACNH. He has moved in and I am glad as I would have taken any Cat villager anyways if I was close to running out of tickets. So, Welcome Raymond. 


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