Lockdown Week 1


I have spent the day fueled by anxiety. Now I know yesterday's message was we meet again and get through this. I just felt this sickness anxiety feeling it normally happens on the day or major C word anoucement however  I re-visited a old tv favourite My Family the entire box set is on BBC Iplayer and during my busy day fuelled by lectures, seminars and Uni assignments its been rather stress relieving having some lighthearted back ground noise. I have struggled sleeping if that's even possible I take ages to get to sleep and then I wake up at noon strange. I set alarms for earlier so I don't feel like I lost the majority of the day but I then feel tired. 

An animal crossing update for you all I have used a nook miles ticket to get some more coconuts and planted them on my beaches around my island this will help fill in some gaps on my beaches saving me from putting to put furniture in those areas. On the subject of beaches I have a sauna style bathtub and I have order a swimming pool for the beaches this will be used on the left and right sides of my beaches. Also in very exciting news I have finally farmed a green mum this was left off of my previous post and my apologies for this however this is exciting news I am not a fan of green mums but still its progress. 

I have also made good progress on my book and if I carry on this way I should be finished by the middle of next week so stay tuned for updates on my reading progress. Goals for the days ahead stay strong and positive, read more and continue the island progress. Hope all is well with you and yours. 


Lockdown day 2 less anxiety today which is a relief the sleeping is still an bit of an issue however things are looking up. I am trying to figure out what to do as I have three week break on the horizon and with lockdown its trying to find things to do, I obvs will read and finalise my animal crossing island that goes without saying but I need to be productive over those three weeks so updates on my further productive three week break pending. 

Animal crossing update was quite busy today so only did the daily stuff like watering the flowers, I will do more tomorrow but Wednesday it always a busy day with or without lockdown 


Lockdown day 3 the anxiety for the most part is gone I get the odd outburst every so often but not a frequent which is a good sign, especially as we are in this lockdown for the long haul so I need to keep calm and carry on. I have had a busy few days which is a good thing it keeps my mind of the not being able to do anything. I find it odd as I don't do much with out without lockdown but why when I can't I feel at a loss. I am still on the reading grind might have the book finished earlier than expected which is always a good sign. I spent ages recently trying to plan revision and assignment into my week but I have more time than ever to work on them now so that's a weight of my shoulders. 

I have an extra 2 weeks ah joy, my next job is to cut down what I have already done, I mean in the work count sense as I treat the process of an assignment like a haircut. 

1. Book the appointment/ find out about the assignment and read the guidelines 

2. go to the appointment/ plan the assignment 

3. put on the gown/ find the sources for each section 

4. hair wash/ type up the assignment 

5. hair cut/ chop out the bits that are not needed so it fits with the word count 

6. dry hair/ read it and check for grammar or spelling mistakes 

7. style hair/ references list and site references 

8. pay for the hair cut/ add feedback form to the front of the assignment 

9. leave salon/ upload it to be marked 

Animal crossing update I am still at 4 stars however I have made another flower stand I have two already in purple and blue but I made today the red variant. I have put some more furniture around the areas of my island like sign posts and beach chairs. I might order some more beach chairs or make some more log garden lounges, however I am not sure what else I can put on my beach. I might put some more equipment on the beaches and I've got three more blank spaces but I need to research what I can put in these areas to see if this gets me 5 stars. 


I have felt the most normal today no idea why but its a step in the right direction now I did spend most of the day with a splitting headache but I have a lot of tv on my planner to work my way through. I am looking forward to a slow paced weekend away from the Uni assignments. 

I did not read anything today but headache and that meant my concentration was all over the shop. Animal crossing update I have found a way to get photos of your villagers this can be obtained by giving the villagers gifts and talking to them on a daily basis to try and obtain best friend status. There is a site called nook plaza when on this site go to the villagers gift tab then type in the name of a villager on your island and it will give you colours and clothing styles that work for your villager. Be sure the to turn on the switches for show clothing styles and match colour and styles this will allow you to see what exact clothing items your villager will want or look best in. 


Today was the best I have felt in a while which is all good. I even managed to read a chapter of my book today that's good going getting ever closer to finishing. Animal crossing update I made a pansie table this was a DIY given to me by one of my villagers I have made it using the 3 pieces of darkwood and the 5 yellow pansies, I have checked and it can be customised so I am going to make it a white pansie table, I am in two minds about making a red pansie table. It only requires two customisation kits so its not to pricey however it will take a while to make two as we have to wait for my yellow pansies to respawn. 


Today was a go slow day nothing much happened but I did make some animal crossing progress and I have made the desicion to document what items I gave and bought each villager as this will help me to keep track I might do this one here and a separate document. I have the main masterlist and from that I look in able sisters and buy accordingly but I make not of who needs what before I buy, I am not fussy about multiples but making sure I give them the clothing that they want and what clothes I want them to wear within that. 

Poncho Style Sweater Purple- Mira 

Poncho Style Sweater Purple- Anicotti 

Poncho Style Sweater Blue- Mott 

Poncho Style Sweater Orange- Nan 

Poncho Style Sweater Orange- Eunice 

Poncho Style Sweater Grey- Cobb

Ballet Dress Blue- Mott 

Ballet Dress Blue- Sherb 

Snowy Knit Hat Red- Anicotti 

Snowy Knit Hat Blue- Sherb 

You can only give a villager one item per day so ones I cannot give them I place outside their house to avoid confusion over who gets what. I am mainly focusing on villagers I don't have photos for but I am still getting items for ones that I do have photos for `


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