Riverdale Season 5- Theories

 It's back finally after what has felt like a lifetime. I will be discussing who I think is behind the video tapes and why I think it could that said person. 

1. Charles and Chic 

This seems like the most obvious choice given the scenes in previous episodes of season 4 and the storylines left unfinished. From memory every storyline has been dealt with besides the Barchie kiss of season 4, video tape storyline of season 4 and the chic storyline of season 2 to some degree. This is where my thoughts begin we now that Charles and Chic are dating from a scene in 4x06 Hereditary, this episode I think is where suspicions started to occur. Charles knows where the body is buried so it could have something to do with that however I think this is unlikely I think the main reason why he could have the means to carry out such an operation is his job working for the FBI this means he will have access to recording equipment of a high standard. He is most certainly not doing this alone, I think some other chums are helping him this ties in the season 2 Chic storyline. More on those chums later. 

Reasons why he would do this:

1. Revenge for Chic being in prison, if they are together which seems likely then he would want revenge for his boyfriend being in prison even though he is in prison for helping Penelope Blossom with the G&G storyline which makes no sense but still anyone can have their motives about anything these days right? 

2. He listened in to Betty and Jughead's phone call in episode 4x04 Halloween, this lead me to think he might want revenge on them for having a happy life with a loving family

2. Darla and her clan 

Now when I first thought this back in April 2020, I saw my suggestion as throw away or a somewhat link to the season 2 Chic storyline, however from the season 5 trailer it would seem otherwise. I think they are behind the tapes, now here me out it is certain that Bughead visit the hostel were Chic and supposedly Charles were staying at which is owned my Darla and members of her clan. I think this is possibly revenge based towards the Coopers or the Cooper-Jones in relation to the Chic season 2 storyline. I also think that they could be working with Charles and Chic as the actors for the more recent tapes and snuff films. 

3. Betty

This is officially the definition of pushing the boat out too far, as this is extremely unlikely, if this is the case then why include it? Well the answer is simple Tangerine, Tangerine, Tangerine. I am not 100% sure if dark Betty is gone and if the tangerine spell is completely gone Charles helped her 'get rid ' of it however if he does not have good motives then did he really teach her how to get rid of it. Again this is extremely unlikely but still food for thought. 

4. Evelyn Evernever

I again think this is unlikely seeing as she is in prison but hang on the same prison as Chic weird I think not. I think she is in cahoot's with Charles and Chic and  is helping them with the dark Betty scenario and what types of films to make based on information given to her from farmies at the farm. Again I think this is unlikely however this is Riverdale so who knows. 



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