Animal Kingdom

You have returned I see that’s good because today we are talking all things Animal Kingdom.
If you are driving to the park then there is plenty of parking at Animal Kingdom and it is all close to the entrance of the park.
As with all theme parks you have to go through a security check and finger print check upon entry.

You enter into a miniature jungle and there are some animals you can see at the entrance to this park if I remember correctly I think it is flamingos and storks at the entrance to the Animal Kingdom.

In this park there are areas but all in all this was not my favorite park and not one that I went back a explored a lot of so if my review  is not in depth then I am sorry this is just my personal opinion of the park. There are several areas within Animal Kingdom but as I said I did not explore the entire park in great detail but I think I remember most of the areas. The areas within Animal Kingdom are Dino Land U.S.A, Africa, Asia and sadly that is all I can remember.

Now I will tell you about what rides and or shows you should do in the Animal Kingdom.

The Festival Of The Lion King
This is a show and in my opinion the best show in Disney land, now I know this is a bold claim but trust me once you see this show you will know what I mean. Once you are seated you are in groups depending on where you chose to sit. They sing many songs from the movie/musical.

Finding Nemo The Musical
I am a huge fan of musicals so I was already looking forward to this show and can I say this musical needs to be either on Broadway and or West End it was great the acting was superb and the songs were decent. It is a musical version of the Finding Nemo film.

Kali River Rapids
Warning you will get wet possibly soaked on this ride. As with the majority of water rides I have seen you are in a barge, also if you are not a fan of spinning this ride might not be your thing but it’s not high speed spinning. You go through rapids as the name would suggest. I will say this now I got soaked.

It’s Tough To Be A Bug
Remember the film Bugs Life? It has not been forgotten, this is a fun show for the whole family as these bugs put on a show for you, there are various acts throughout this show and there is a few surprises, I won’t ruin those surprises as they need to be unknown.

There is a nighttime show but it is not the best it is Jungle Book Alive With Magic there are 2 showings of it which is good because it suits everyone. There is lots of singing and dancing and pictures on water it is clever what they do but it is not as good as the Hollywood Studios fireworks. As you exit you will see lit up pictures on the Tree Of Life stay because it’s like its own little show and it much better than Jungle Book Alive With Magic.

What Rides and or Shows Are Worthy Of A Fast Pass
I would fast pass the Kali River Rapids as this ride as normally a 30-40 minute wait time and also I would fast pass the Lion king show there is a designated area for fast pass but you get to go in a get your seat first which is a bonus.

What Not To Do?
Do not wait in a queue that is over 90 minutes long as the wait time will only increase instead why not go on a ride that is a 5-20 minute wait and come back to the other later.

That has been Animal Kingdom told my way and we have also finished our tour around the Disney Parks. Next time we will be talking about where to eat and what restaurants are the best in all disney parks.


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