Animal Crossing Villager Hunt 5

 Back at it again another villager hunt this time I was replacing Phoebe. I tried a different method before my tried and tested to see if it would work and no it did not more trials are needed. I read online that it takes 5 days for villagers randomly to think about moving out but that method just took to long, I kept speaking to all of my other villagers I wanted to keep and hope that Phoebe would want to leave however it is more effective if you time travel to when villagers notice you have been gone a while. I then decided to use my tried and tested method of time travelling 24 hrs and talking to all of m villagers besides Phoebe and then time travelling forward 15 days from current date and talk to all the villagers I wanted to keep again still ignoring Phoebe. Once this part of the method is complete you keep time travelling forward 24 hrs and talking to all the villagers you want to keep. It took three time travels after the 15 days for Phoebe to think about leaving. I went into this hunt with 38 nook miles tickets. 

1. Agent S (Peppy, Squirrel)- I am not a fan of this villager so I decided to pass on her. Personally I am not a fan of villagers with built in costumes. 

2. Annalisa (Normal, Anteater)- She is my favourite anteater villager however I encountered her quite early on in the hunt so I wanted to see who else might pop up. 

3. Baabara (Snooty, Sheep)- My favourite in game snooty however like the previous villager I encountered her early on and I wanted to see who else might pop up. 

4. Barold (Lazy, Cub)- They had it in for me during this hunt as I kept getting all of the ugly villagers Barold being one of them. I've never run back to Wilbur so quickly. 

5. Bitty (Snooty, Hippo)- My second favourite Hippo villager behind Bertha however she was encountered early on and I was not looking to get any villager like her so I passed. 

6. Bluebear (Peppy, Cub)- Again she is one of my favourite Peppy villagers however she was encountered early on so I decided to pass on her. 

7. Boomer (Lazy, Penguin)- I decided to pass on him as there are better Penguin villagers. 

8. Boots (Jock, Alligator)- One of my more favourable jock villagers however this is my least favourite personality type so I passed on him .

9. Canberra (Sisterly, Koala)- This villager is terrifying and like Barold one of the ugly villagers I encountered. 

10. Claude (Lazy, Rabbit)- Not a huge fan of rabbit villagers so I decided to pass on him however he is one of the better rabbit villagers. 

11. Coach (Jock, Bull)- Again they were giving me all of the ugly villagers if this was Angus or Stu I would be having different decisions to make however this is one of my least favourite villagers 

12. Ed (Smug, Horse)- Again not a fan of this villager I am on the fence about horse villagers in general as I would like to have one on my island but non of them fit the overall island vibes 

13. Fuchsia (Sisterly, Deer)-  The game really wants me to take this villager as I have encountered her on the majority of my villager hunts and she is one of my least favourite deer villager, give me Erik, Zell, Bruce or Fauna then I will take one of your deer villagers

14. Gala (Normal, Pig)- I am not a fan of the pug villagers however I do think that Gala is one of the cuter pig villagers however I would not take a pig villager

15. Gayle (Normal, Alligator)-  Again not a huge fan of alligator villagers and don't plan on taking one however I think Gayle is one of the cuter alligator villagers 

16. Hamphrey (Cranky, Hamster)- Like I said before the game was giving me all the ugly villagers and Hamphrey is no exception. 

17. Harry (Cranky, Hippo)- Another ugly villager that I very quickly passed on as I am not creating a island full of ugly villagers 

18. Jitters (Jock, Bird)- This villagers is not only ugly but gives me the creeps this in my opinion is one of the scariest villagers. I think the eyes have something to do with it but I decided to quickly pass on this bird villager 

19. Julia (Snooty, Ostrich)- I encountered her twice on this hunt and in normal circumstances I would rate her as a A tier villager however she is not a cute when encountered like she is in her photo. I was not in the mindset of taking another Ostrich anyways but I am now unsure if  I would take her

20. Marcel (Lazy, Dog)- This is the second time I have encountered this villager and again I passed on him 

21. Midge (Normal, Bird)- This is the only cute bird villager but again I passed on her as I am not a fan of the bird villagers 

22. Peck (Jock, Bird)- Like Jitters this bird villager gives me the creeps and is one of the scarier villagers 

23. Pinky (Peppy, Bear)- I do like this villager however I was not actively looking to take a bear villager however I would take her if I was low on nook mile tickets  

24. Puck (Lazy, Penguin)- One of my least favourite penguin villagers so I decided to pass as I already have Wade and at this moment will only take Aurora or Cube 

25. Reneigh (Sisterly, Horse)- One the fence on horse villagers however she is one of the better villagers in this category 

26. Rocket (Sisterly, Gorilla)- Not a fan of the gorilla villagers so I decided to pass. Also not a fan of villagers with permanent costumes  

27. Roscoe (Cranky, Horse)- Like I have previously mentioned I am on the fence about horse villagers however like Reneigh I think Roscoe is one of the better horse villagers 

28. Shari (Sisterly, Monkey)- I feel the same about her as I do with Fuchsia as I seem to see her on almost every hunt however unlike Fuchsia there is no other monkey villagers I would happily take 

29. Sly (Jock, Alligator)- Not a fan of alligator villagers so I decided to pass on this villager. I am not planning to take any new jock villagers

30. Sprocket (Jock, Ostrich)- I was nice to encounter one of the robot villagers however he is a jock and like I said above I am not currently looking to take any jock villagers 

31. Vic (Cranky, Bull)- The only bull villager I would take is Stu so I decided to to pass on this villager however I wouldn't be against taking a cranky villager however there are better cranky villagers out there 

32.  Whitney (Snooty, Wolf)- She was cuter in game than in her photo however I still decided to pass on her the only wolf villagers I would take are Wolfgang, Lobo and Skye 

33. Zucker (Lazy, Octopus)- This was my third time encountering Zucker once on a previous hunt and twice on this hunt I saw him early one so I decided to pass on him however I was on my last ticket and ready to take an autofill and he happened to be my last villager so I decided to take him. Welcome Zucker. 


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