RE : Riverdale 4x17 Wicked Little Town

I think this whole thing needs to be discussed as holy hell the Twitter community is like a literal blood bath of mixed thoughts, feelings, emotions, and news. I think it is safe to assume that it needs to all be taken with a pinch of salt to some degree as I think some people are reading to much into it, to be honest. To catch people up to speed for those lucky enough to firstly not ship Bughead or Barchie and secondly not to have Twitter. An article was released by Entertainment Weekly either the day of or day after 4x17 was due to be aired but it was pushed back a week due to the current COVID- 19 pandemic. This article was a recap of the episode (don't go looking for it as it has since been taken down you can check Twitter for screenshots if you want), I did read the screenshots just out of curiosity and I was surprised and slightly annoyed, to be honest, as it basically stated that Barchie is happening now I will say that I am neither here nor there on Barchie however I personally prefer Bughead. It is important to point out that A this is a TV show and B they are actors who are acting out a script, this needed to be mentioned as people seem to be taking this to heart to much and it's becoming very toxic.

Boycotting the episode

This was something I saw online during the time I was reading the screenshots of the article.  If you want to boycott the episode it is up to you however reminder again it is a TV SHOW. I thought
 I would shed light on the reasons why people are boycotting the episode.

1. Barchie

Need I say more this seems to be the main reason why and I do understand why to a certain extent as they have built up the Bughead in the last three seasons to throw it away seems a bit well wrong, weird and slightly confusing. People during this time are going to try and get a hashtag trending I cannot for the life of me remember what the hashtag is apologies I have since logged out of my Twitter until further notice. Also along with trying to get the hashtag trending people are going to stream the seventeen duet from the pervious Heathers musical episode (for those unaware its 3x16 Big Fun) this was a song sung in duets by Bughead and Choni. People believe that there needs to be a build-up for Barchie to make sense which I agree with to a certain extent. If you really analyze the episodes in season 4 so far Barchie has been either mentioned or implied but no interactions have really been had between the two for it to make sense. anyways I digress onto the nest reason.

2. Normalizing cheating

I personally think it is wrong and I do not condone cheating for any kind. I find this confusing to think to find a reason for the sole reason that we are going off of an article which may or may not be true, what the writers have teased online, stills and people's theories and other articles form sites such as Decider. the episode hasn't even aired yet this could all be some prank for all we know (highly doubt it but for anxiety reasons, I kinda hope so). Let's make a smaller numbered list within a numbered list, shall we?

1. What writers have teased online? This mainly comes from writer ted Sullivan ( I am in no way saying anything bad against Ted, he is just doing his job) if you want to check him out on Twitter his handle is @Karterhol. He often answers questions spoiler-free a day or two before the episode is due to air. He often gets asked to sum up each ship in a single word or multiple words during the episode. He did this for both Bughead and Varchie (he did also do this for Choni and Falice but there not important here) he summed Bughead up as the eternal I think (remember I no longer have Twitter), I apologize I cannot remember what he summed Varchie u as and lastly, he summed Barchie up as gut-wrenching. This all happened pre-Entertainment Weekly article debacle. Gut-wrenching to me seemed like either sadness or longing. this could be linked to loss of a family member as both Betty and Archie have lost both of there Dad's, (how does this matter do you ask well let me explain) putting aside the real reason why Archie's Dad is dead, he was allowed to grieve and was given ample support and time to do so during season 4 so far. Betty also lost her Dad yes he was the Black Hood and if you have seen 3x22 then you will see how he dies. She still needs time to properly grieve on camera at least so maybe they connect over that is some weird way. This links to a set of stills that the showrunner Roberto put on Twitter a couple of days ago with Betty seemingly burning pages of her diaries and Archie stood by his Dad's grave. As for Bughead being eternal well this I think sums them up pretty well as they are endgame. Back to Barchie, they are from what I have read online going to be singing Wicked Little Town reprise if you look up the lyrics for this song you will see how this actually ties in with both the leaked article and the current Barchie friendship arc.

2. Stills, I love a good Riverdale still and this episode has had plenty and they have not disappointed. I think stills can offer some insight into an episode but also create confusion and my favourite past time theories, I would like it if you went and checked out @BugheadLegacy on twitter as she has created some very good theories relating to this episode and she is provided with some calm amongst the storm that is 4x17.  I think the earlier stills were just musical excitement but recent stills in the run-up to the release date have only caused toxic drama between Barchie stans and Bughead stans. the stills released have somewhat confirmed parts of the article now this whole Barchie together, kissing thing was "spoiled during 3x16 the Heathers musical episode " and Bughead stans were feed in this episode instead so one can only distantly hope.

3. People's theories, I am going to leave this a bit open-ended as these theories are only thoughts and opinions from a fan hell this post is exactly that. Theories I think are possibly true but I will not offer a lot of insight as they are just thoughts.

4.  Other articles from sites such as Decider. really this is just about Alex Zalbens response re article gate really as he seemingly confirmed it with a lot of really good explanations or possibly excuses depending on what way you look at it. He said it was a mistake of the original author as the author would have had the article scheduled to post around the time after or a day after the episode was originally supposed to air. Now I do understand this to a certain extent however people seem to treat him like he is a writer for Riverdale he, however, is not he is just a journalist for a different website that talks about TV shows, films etc. He did seemingly last time this happened during 3x16 confirm it was true so please read what he writes but take it with a pinch of salt as he did not say that he watched the episode I don't think.

Cheating is wrong always has been and always will be bur normalising it is not ok however I think we need to watch the episode all the way through to get a final decision on this. 

I won't say too much more on the subject however I will say for those Boycotting go ahead have your fun. For those planning to watch let's see what amazing musical moments can be had. I am going to watch Abnormallyadams reaction of the episode guaranteed for copyright reasons it will not be the whole episode but it will give me an indication as to whether I want to watch the episode in full or just watch the reaction and Bughead scenes on youtube. We do know however that Bughead is singing Exquisite Corpse and Cole said he is singing in Midnight Radio with the Archies and Origin of Love. Also as for Jughead having PTSD well lets wait and see.


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