I have started to make Disney mood boards and I have been posting them to my Tumblr account but, I decided to post the ones I have already done to the blog.
I have been slacking and I do apologise. There have been a few pieces of news since I have last made a post like this firstly there are has been some new in terms of Tsum Tsum's. Three of the releases are for Japan, Hong Kong and the US Disney Parks. Firstly Japan has re-released the core set of Marvel Tsums so these really are not of interest to me but the set includes Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Thor, Loki, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Ant-Man and Black Widow. From what I have read the Loki Tsum in new. My favourite Tsum in this set is Loki. Japan has also released some Sakura Tsum Tsum's this set comes in a Sakura tree similar to the tree the easter set came in last year. This set includes Chip, Dale, Donald and Daisy, these Tsums have expressions on their faces, I do like this set but its a bit boring. Along with this bag set they released Sakura Tsums of Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger. Again I do like these Tsums but they are a bit boring. My favourite ...
It seems like whenever I upload a news post they seem to release a ton of new Tsums, this is the most I have seen in a while but sadly none of it is for the UK just the US, Hong Kong and Japan. Firstly the US released some Mickey 90th Tsums these were Mickey and friends Tsums in birthday style outfits this set included Mickey, Minnie, Chip, Dake, Daisy, Donald, Pluto and Goofy. I do like this set and will be purchasing them if they come to the UK as they seem to have redone the Mickey and friends for this set which is nice to see. My favourite in this set in Pluto and some of the Tsums have expressions. Japan has released some Valentines couples Tsum Tsum's these sets are connected by a woolly scarf. These sets are Mickey and Minnie, Donald and Daisy and Thumper and Miss Bunny. Personally, I am not a fan of these sets I would prefer if they would use different characters as they seem t use the same character every Valentines. ...
I have news Cobb has left my island he was a Jock Pig now I had around 38 nook miles tickets to do this hunt in I have a list of villagers I want and I also know villagers I would take if I needed to. Firstly I will explain how I got rid of Cobb. I went to a time where I knew Cobb was inside his house this allowed me to fence his house so he could not leave this was between 1-2 pm. I then time travelled forward 1 day and talked to all of the villagers I want to keep or ones I do not have pictures of yet, I was lucky in the sense that all of my villagers were either inside their house or near the plaza area this made finding and talking to them much easier. I knew that Cobb would be inside on this day as I did not change the time only the date was changed. I then saved and exited the game, this then allowed me to change the date 15 days on from the day I attempted this, (do not count 15 days one from the 1 day time travel), I then carried out the same process as before by talking t...
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