Animal Crossing Villager Hunt 4

 I made a slightly quick decision during my ongoing island overhaul (more on that soon) that I was going to let Opal leave my island and I am glad she did (stay tuned). I had no method for this she randomly asked to leave and I said yes. I had 20 tickets to do this hunt which is a pretty good amount by my books. I like to have at least 15 or more tickets for a villager hunt just to allow for time. 

1. Spike (Cranky, Rhino)- I do enjoy this villager and I would have taken him if I was low on tickets however out of the Rhino villagers I would have preferred Hornsby or Merengue. 

2. Paolo (Lazy, Elephant)- I have already encountered him a previous hunt and I am not a fan so I decided to pass 

3. Maelle (Snooty, Duck)- I normally would say that I wasn't a fan of this villager however seeing her in the digital flesh she is not quite as strange as I first thought I did not take her though. At this point that only duck villager I would take is Molly. 

4. Phil (Smug, Ostrich)- I am not a fan of this villager so I decided to pass on him. The only ostrich villagers I would take are Julia and Flora. 

5. Louie (Jock, Gorilla)- Under no circumstances will I be taking a jock villager so I decided to pass on him 

6. Lionel (Smug, Lion)- He is my favourite lion villager however overall I am not a huge fan of lion villagers so I decided to pass on him. 

7. Lily (Normal, Frog)- I do really like this villager and I was close to taking her but I thought let's see if a Marina scenario happens so I decided to pass on her however if I encounter her on a future hunt I will most likely take her. 

8. Keaton (Smug, Eagle)- I am not a fan of this villager so I decided to pass on him. The only eagle villager I would take is Amelia. I was at this point worried that passing on Lily was a bad idea. 

9. Diana (Snooty, Deer)- I have encountered her on a previous hunt however I decided to pass on her again. The only deer villagers I would have happily taken are Erik and Zell. I again was getting increasingly worried that not taking Lily was a bad idea. 

10. Astrid (Snooty, Kangaroo)- Under no circumstances will I be taking a Kangaroo villager so I decided to pass on her. 

11. Sandy (Normal, Ostrich)- I had already encountered her on a previous hunt so I decided to pass on her. 

12- Wade (Lazy, Penguin)- I was really worried that firstly not taking Lily was a bad idea and secondly what villager would I have to take if it came down to that option. Well never fear I went to my 12th island and boom Wade was there. For those unware Wade is on my dream list so I decided to take him so Welcome Wade. 


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