Animal Crossing Update

 My island is officially 5 stars, I found out by seeing a Lilly of the valley plant on my cliftop and trust me I couldn't run to resident services quick enough. I now have 2 Lilly of the Valley plants and several gold roses. I only need blue roses, I followed a video from Animal Crossing youtuber and streamer Dazzabound as his video had a quick method that is easy to follow so I am following the steps I have my seed reds and purples together and I have gotten several pinks to go along side my seed yellows so I am now waiting for hybrid reds from the pink and yellow pairings then I can move onto the next step.

I think I am now ready to let some of my villagers go this is will only happen once I have their photograph.  I currently have 2 normal villagers, 2 jock villagers, 1 snooty villager, 1 peppy villager, 1 lazy villager, 1 smug villager and 2 sisterly villagers. 

Normal Villagers - Nan (Goat) + Eunice (Sheep)

I know I will not be getting rid of Eunice however I am on the fence about Nan so I think I will get rid of her and I have her photo so it makes sense. I have a list of dream villagers however I think I know which villagers I want to hunt for. 

Jock Villagers- Cobb (Pig) + Mott (Lion)

I will get rid of both of these, firstly I am not a huge fan of jock villagers as I am #TeamLazy. I have Cobb's photo so I am just waiting for him to want to leave and I need to get Mott's photo before I can get rid of him. 

Snooty Villager- Opal (Elephant)

Again like Euince I will not be getting rid of her, I do have her photo and she has asked to leave a couple times but I can't do it so she will stay. I like elephant villagers anyways so win win. 

Peppy Villager- Ancotti (Mouse)

Like Opal and Eunice I will not be getting rid of her and I still need her photo, she is one of the best villagers on my island so I can't see me getting rid of her any time soon 

Lazy Villager- Sherb (Goat)

Hands down the best animal crossing villager he will never leave my island I just need to get his photo. My favourite villager personality type is lazy but I would prefer a variety more so for the potential DIY's than a single personality type island 

Smug Villager- Lopez (Deer)

I will not be getting rid of this villager as he is my favourite deer animal crossing villager. I still need his photo and he is proving difficult as the only colour he wears is grey which makes finding clothing hard however I am giving him more home decor items instead to see if that works instead of grey clothing 

Sisterly Villagers- Mira (Rabbit) + Phoebe (Ostrich) 

I will be getting rid of the Mira, I am still working up to get her photo but once I have it and she asks to leave, I will let her go. I do want to get rid of Phoebe but she is a phoenix style Ostrich however I am  not a fan of sisterly villagers, I also still need her photo. 

Taking this into account that leaves me with 5 empty spaces, I have a list of villagers I like it's just a case of choosing down to the ones I want to hunt for. I have been buying up nook miles tickets when I can so that won't be to much of an issue. 

These are the 5 villagers I will be hunting for their personality types and breed 

1. Muffy (Sheep) Sisterly- Yes I am aware that she is sisterly but she is a goth purple and black sheep like how can I not have her on my island 

2. Pietro (Sheep) Smug- You guessed it my favourite villagers are the sheep and a rainbow clown, I mean come on dream villager material right there

3. Tia (Elephant) Normal- I do really like the elephant villagers and she is one of my personal faves so she along with the villager mentioned in number 5 would make a good villager. I may choose Margie over Tia but we will see. 

4. Wade (Penguin) Lazy- I want him partly because I want a penguin villager and he is the cutest in my opinion and he is #TeamLazy

5.Merengue (Rhino) Normal- I think she looks cute but I am not 100% sure but I think she will be a good fit. I also like Margie who is a normal elephant so I might go for  her however it might be nice to have a variety of different animals 


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