This was as good as the original production. I am a huge Les Mis fan anyway so I knew that it was good but I had no idea how good. The Cast was outstanding Michael Ball as Javert was mindblowing, I am a huge Michael Ball fan as it is anyways so him singing Stars was a yasss moment for me. John Owen Jones was Jean Valjean and yes I originally chose Saturday matinee to see Alfie Boe but in my opinion, didn't need Boe, Owen Jones was on another level utterly brilliant. Two other characters I must mention as they were the highlights of the show Katie Secombe and Matt Lucas as Thernadier and Madame Ternadier they were hilarious and I think they gave the best performance of their parts even better than the last west end cast and the film version same goes for Javert and Jean Valjean. Other actors I would like to highlight for their amazing performance are Rob Houchen as Marius his version of Empty Chairs At Empty Tables reduced me to tears, Carrie Hope Fletcher as Fantine again for similar reasons her version of I Dreamed A Dream reduced me to tears and lastly Bradley Jaden as Enjorlas his voice, I had no idea how good his singing voice was but easily best Enjorlas I have seen. The singing was on another level would happily pay to see it again. Seeing this version of Les Mis made me fall in love with the show all over again.
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